The Master of Coca Leaves

There are the chosen ones among us; the ones who lightning
strikes, more than once. The ones who are blinded so that
they can learn to see in the pitch of darkness. The ones who
live in hermitude because the filaments radiating from their
heart are tethered to everything, and it hurts. A body can be
too small to contain a soul. A mountain can be too small to
contain a soul. Mastery comes from continually showing up and
saying, “Yes!” You cannot serve another option. I was blessed to
witness you there, lifting your gaze skyward with extended arms,
to know you when your life was the offering
for the prayer request
you never made.

— Jamie K. Reaser
In honor and memory of don Miguelito of Salksa’wasi


The Lady’s Slippers at Goose Pond


Bear Medicine